October 28, 2013


Dragon's Blood is rad for many reasons, one of which being that it actually looks like how you might expect "Dragon's Blood" to look.  The resin was named after its red appearance that when heated or used as incense, bubbles and boils red like blood, and was accompanied by a common belief that Dragon's Blood actually came from the blood of elephants and dragons who had died in combat.

Dragon's Blood is a bright red resin that is produced by several different species of trees that's use has been documented as far back as the 15th century. One type of Dragon's Blood tree produces a berry about the size of a cherry and when ripe, they are covered with a reddish, resinous substance. Other types of Dragon's Blood trees produce Dragon's Blood resin directly through their sap. These trees have been known to grow in the Canary Islands, Morocco, Sumatra, and other locations, and Dragon's Blood made its way into Europe largely by the Incense Road.

It has been implemented throughout history for a surprising number of uses, including being used to make varnish for violinmakers, dye, toothpaste, ink for posters in China, as well as to make medicines because of its large list of perceived health benefits and in witchcraft, shamansim, and folk magic for its "magical properties."

On top of all of the various uses listed above, the most important piece of information to us is the scent of dragon's blood. Dragon's Blood smells sweet and soft, slightly amber-like but more natural and less sticky/sweet smelling than common amber. It is extremely rich and does an excellent job setting a calming mood to a space.

Try Dragon's Blood today in our Blood Countess Incense, and let us know what you think!

Or you can bathe in Dragon's Blood with our new Australian red reef clay Blood Countess Square Soap.

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